Like Jack and his magic beans, great things can come from small beginnings. Your gift to Wild Horse Children’s Theater, no matter the size, works a lot like Jack's beans opening a portal to the unexpected and the wonderful through enchanting works of theater for the children, schools, and families of our community.
Donate or Pledge Your Support Now!
Wild Horse Children’s Theater could not exist without the overwhelming generosity of our amazing patrons and supporters. Each year, WHCT serves more than 10,000 young people and families through our award-winning main stage productions, workshops, and school enrichment programs. Your gift makes all the difference! YOU play an integral part in all these experiences!
WHCT is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Your tax-deductible contribution of any amount supports WHCT’s programming and theater arts education efforts.
A gift of $50 can bring a student and their family to the theatre for the very first time.
Our costume designers can sew your $100 gift into a talking teapot, a princess's gown, or a Magic Carpet.
Our talented set designers may paint your gift of $150 onto a flat canvas and create a magical castle or a spooky cave.
Your gift of $250 could cover a scholarship for 2 aspiring young actors.
Your gift of $500 could sponsor one of our young actor’s attendance at the International Junior Theater Festival in Sacramento, CA
Or become a SEASON DONOR!
Extensive brand visibility with company logo on Wild Horse Production’s digital marketing materials, including newsletters, e-mail marketing, newsletters, posters, and flyers.
Full-page color ad in the printed playbill for all shows in the 2024/25 season.
Clickable color ad in digital playbill for all shows in the 2024/25 season.
Your company’s logo on the cover of the printed playbill for all shows in the 2024/25 season.
Recognition in communication to WHP participants’ parents/guardians.
Inclusion in press releases to local, regional, and statewide publications and in all TV and radio interviews.
Mentioned in pre-show curtain speech.
Early ticket access and 20 VIP tickets for your employees and their families for all 2024/25 productions including Summer on Broadway Camp production. Snack bar vouchers included.
Extensive brand visibility with company logo on Wild Horse Production’s digital marketing materials, including newsletters, e-mail marketing, newsletters, posters, and flyers for one chosen show in the 2024/25 season.
Half page color ad in the printed playbill for one chosen show in the 2024/25 season.
Clickable color ad in digital playbill for one chosen show in the 2024/25 season.
Your company’s logo on the cover of the printed playbill for one chosen show in the 2024/25 season.
Inclusion in press releases to local, regional, and statewide publications and in all TV and radio interviews.
Mentioned in pre-show curtain speech.
Early ticket access and 10 VIP tickets for your employees and their families for one chosen show in the 2024/25 season including snack bar vouchers.
Company acknowledgment and logo in show program and a business card-sized ad in printed and digital playbill for chosen show in the 2024/25 season.
Mention in pre-show curtain speech.
Early ticket access and 4 VIP tickets with reserved seating and snack bar vouchers for one show in the 2024/25 season.
$500 Principal Player
Recognition (name/logo of your business) in show programs during the 2024/25 season
Business card size ad in program
Early ticket access for one show in the 2024/25 season
PROGRAM ADS: We also have advertising available in our program. Contact producerwhct@gmail.com for prices and more information.